Cathedralboi's Reviews

Cathedralboi's Pornstar Reviews
Hi there! I’m just enjoying myself and traveling everywhere until I go back to college next semester. I absolutely love going out and meeting new people from my travels across the world. When I’m in Florida I also dance at Bradley’s and Johnson’s in Tampa and Le boy in Fort Lauderdale. Catch my show sometime!
  • Excellent

    Reviewed by rbritt on 17 Aug, 2024
    Trusted RentMen Client since 31 Aug, 2020

    Time Spent: 1 hour
    Ambience: Very relaxing
    Are Photos Accurate? Yes they are
    Recommend? Yes, definitely
  • Excellent

    Reviewed by DukeMag on 19 Jul, 2024
    Trusted RentMen Client since 05 Nov, 2015

    Time Spent: 1 hour
    Ambience: Very relaxing
    Are Photos Accurate? Yes they are
    Recommend? Yes, definitely

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Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
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