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kunstler Submited Reviews

    Reviewed user XXXRod_Pederson , 11 Oct, 2020

    I decided to hire Alec as an , after seeing him on Rentmen.eu. He agreed to travel across the state to see me for 500.00. But he wanted me to send him 50.00 for travel expenses through a cash app, which I agreed to do, since he would be traveling such a long distance. We set a date, but he never showed up, and never gave me an explanation for not showing. Later he apologized and gave me what I thought was a lame excuse, and said he would still like to meet. So we set another date. This time I was sure he was coming because he texted me pictures of his gps for a while to show me that he was on his way. He then texted me that he was in town. I waited, but he never showed. I texted him, and he said he was with a friend, whom I found out was another client that he planned on seeing, that lived about 45 minutes from my house. I'm guessing he thought he was texting the other client, rather than me. He then told me he could not make it to my house. So, he used my travel money to visit another client on the way to my house. He said he'd come tomorrow, but I told him I was going to be gone, so I couldn't meet him. When he knew he wasn't coming to my house, I saw that he placed his ad in the city where the other client lived, hoping to get more clients. He is a self-centered, opportunistic, untrustworthy, straight who takes advantage of gay men. The 50.00 that I will never see again doesn't bother me. It's the principle of the situation and the matter of disrespect. And the sad part of it is he does seem to think he did anything wrong. And I'd hate to see someone else get hurt or taken advantage of.

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