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domhowie's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
I admit I am a gay mature man that others may look with suspicion at. The Gay World seems to believe that the most important element in being gay is youth, a six-pack, and good looks. But what can you talk to them about? Being mature gives you a board base knowledge and experience. I think that spending some time under my control will provide the answer to the most important question in being gay, the discovery and acceptance of who you really are. Come spend some time with me to explore!
Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: That age is not seen in the correct way. Instead of judging them on their change in body shape and looks, we should see the life experiences they have to offer.

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: I love to catch up with older friends and see how they are progressing. A good game of scrabble is always a delight.

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: I give of my heart and think with it as well.

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: I like to drive for a hundred miles or so in various directions to see things I normally wouldn't take time to see.

Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: The day I made friends with the man with Parkinson's Disease. It opened my eyes to how mean and fearful people were of his condition when he is the kindness and most gentle man I have ever meet.

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: I tend to trust a little too quickly.

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: I truly care about the gay community and am willing to lean my time and effort into making life more bearable for those who can't accept themselves for who they are.

Q: What is your specialty?

A: Seeing a person who is in distress and needing a helping hand.

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: I love to travel but don't get the opportunities that I once did so I don't go places as much as I would like.

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: I must admit that this winter dragged me down but I am signing up for swimming and starting to eat better with salads and fruit.

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: I have a roommate and best friend who suffers from Parkinson's Disease and I love to care for him and provide him with assistance when needed. He is one of the most intelligent men I have ever known and talking with him is pure pleasure.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: That I was married twice to women before discovering who I really was.

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: That I am a basic gay man who cries watching HEARTLAND on CBC but can be a dominant figure if need be.

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: That I may be older but I have years more experience and life events to draw from. That makes me valuable to those in search of themselves.

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: My willingness to help other gay men find out who they are and what they need to be that special person.

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: My best friend, my family, being a gay mentor, a good streak, and someone special to curl up with.


Location: Toronto, Ontario
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