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Nineopener's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
Very tall six foot five one hundred ninety five pounds of lean, firm, Portuguese and African American mix, with a nice smile, good head on his shoulders and great attitude. I sit where the cherry does! Strong willed, strong back, and strong long ....ideas! Open minded individual and hyper sensitive to others feelings, I like nice guys, but I can also take a joke and tell them, too. Naturally a people pleaser. Fierce.
Q: What is your specialty?

A: Motivation. I have been told, I should be a motivational speaker more then any other position . I like to think I'm a positive influence and a voice of reason to those around me. Most times, advice is already known and the motivation can just be confirmation to that which is felt or shown to be in a different light.

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: Bike rides. Roller blading. People watching. I like going to new home models and seeing the newest and latest trends, ideas and discoveries that will be in newer homes. And, I love to drive. I always have, and still do and will drive anything!

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: Diet?! What's that? Can you please pass me that bacon?
(I think Phitnis Regeen is a distant third cousin, but I don't follow 'em)

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: Growing up I was all over this country. Every major city with my father. I don't travel as much now mainly because I can't stand flying. Being 6'5" it is very uncomfortable to have to let the person sitting in front put their chair back in my lap. I see it like riding a greyhound bus.

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: Read. I love to read. And I paint glass eyeballs. I don't know why, I just do! I have painted hundreds of them, every color. I think I would like to actually have eyes on the back of my head at times. And now, I can.

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: I try to imagine everyone I come in contact with is my best friends mom or dad. Even on a bad day, how would I treat them? How would I want my parents treated, even when behaving badly? I try to keep in mind that everybody is somebody's loved one or parent.

Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: Swimming with the dolphins in Hawaii and the way the communicated with me telekinetic-ly. Only time In my life I felt as if I were not the smarter entity or being(sp). It was them not only controlling the "conversation" but it seemed as if they were vastly more intelligent then I and was speaking to me the way we would speak to a puppy or child. Kinda dumbed down and deliberate. Still get gooosebumps when I think of that most magical event!

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: I have always said that if I were given an American Indian name, it would be "Talks a lot of shit"!
I'm a huge sucker for dogs! I will NEVER watch a movie where the dog gets hurt or dies!

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: My angle in life. Where my views are shockingly funny and eye-opening and often people respond with " I never thought of it like that". Honest candor.

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: Nice smile. Very sensitive to others feelings. Funny. I can make you laugh, and myself, all day. Like being silly!
Also, I do not suffer from insomnia. I can sleep almost anywhere. As long as it's clean and I can be comfortable.

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: I will not compromise on Q-tip brand Q-tips!! No cotton swabs. Ever. Same for cherry flavored Chap-Stick. The rest, I'm open. There are products and brands I prefer, and I am more then willing to compromise/substitute on those.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: Indians in war paint (American Indians) are the scariest thing to me. And I'm part Indian!
And this is embarrassing, but, until the age of twenty three, I thought and believed that puppies came from the nipples (or teets) of the mother. It's a short story, but true. Shhh don't tell anyone.

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: What it was like going from preschool through graduating high school with the same group of people and being one of only four people of color in my school.

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: Can't stand seafood. If it comes from the water, throw it back! Yes, nothing from the water! Includes tuna, shrimp, etc, etc!
And peanut butter too! Yuck!

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: My humor. Sounds big headed, but I really do get a kick out of the way my mind functions and thinks.

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: Dr Bronner's Peppermint Soap. Bacon. Sleep. Cherry Chap-Stic. Music.


Location: Los Angeles, CA
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