MikeGaite's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
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Please see my 500 reviews here. I’m HIV negative on prep and doxyprep. I’m a pansexual empath, who genuinely enjoys making intimate connections with all types of men. I’m a passionate, verbal, masculine, take-charge, and versatile. I play safe or bareback, social drinking, no drugs. I can host, regardless of what city I’m in. I like to take the lead, building up respectfully with mutual exploration and lots of eye/body contact. I will ensure we are relaxed & completely in the moment, and both enjoy our time together. Absolutely no PnP.
Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: It would completely depend on how much wine I had ingested :-)

Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: One of the best experiences I have had was the realization that I am truly comfortable, confident, and happy working in this business even though there are a multitude of other careers and avocations in which I could easily be investing my time and energy.

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: Reading, pretty much any genre can pique my interest.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: I really just try to let my reviews speak for themselves. Others can speak on my behalf so much better than I can speak on my own behalf.

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: I truly value the relationships that I make with clients and don't take them for granted. I go out of my way to mitigate the business element of any client relationship.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: If you have taken the time to actually read my interview, we are already off to a great start. I certainly appreciate the fact that you are getting to know me bit by bit.

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: I read.

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: I believe I excel in this field primarily because I appreciate what each individual brings to the table. More specifically, I find physical attraction to some part of each and every person whom I meet. But perhaps I'm just omnisexual lol.

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: I treat other people well, and they treat me very well in return. It's a simple formula, but it works exceedingly well for me.

Q: What is your specialty?

A: Jack of all trades, master of none? I’m very well-educated for the five of you who care about that sort of thing.

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: Humility, working, looking for work, working out, traveling, writing my memoirs. I consider myself to be quite slothful, but I probably have overly high standards for myself in that regard.

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: I go to the gym every day. I eat carbs. I can't give away all my secrets here, but I'm really not that regimented in my diet and exercise routine relative to my former glory days of competitive athletics.

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: Coffee, the soft glow of the outer limbs of a fire, puppies, the collected works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, my friends and family.

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: I'm actually bringing joy and happiness to someone else's life and creating an experience that they will hopefully remember fondly and often.

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: Contiunally, but there is no place like home.

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: I’m genuinely attracted to older men of all shapes and sizes.


Location: Philadelphia, PA
I am traveling to:
Near travel Annapolis, MD
Near travel Harrisburg, PA
28 Jul - Jul 29 Baltimore, MD
29 Jul - Jul 31 Arlington, VA
31 Jul - Aug 04 Raleigh, NC
04 Aug - Aug 07 Washington, DC
07 Aug - Aug 08 Greensboro, NC
08 Aug - Aug 10 Charlotte, NC
11 Aug - Aug 13 Greenville, SC
30 Aug - Sep 05 San Francisco, CA
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