DanimalTiger's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
Life as a human can get boring and lonely as we seek connection and find intimacy complicated, so let’s get primal together instead.

I’m versatile and adaptable, able to help you live out your wildest fantasies. I fuck like a beast with an 8” dick and ass that won’t quit, so I can be your ferocious warewolf or affectionate good boy.

I have a private studio in midtown equipped with toys and gear to help make your wildest dreams into role play memories.
Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: I could never travel often enough, I love getting out and seeing other cultures, meeting other people, and exploring the vastness of human experience. I wish the ability to explore the world was more accessible to more people. My journey through life has been profoundly positively impacted by meeting people who have lives far different than mine. I can only hope that I might leave my own imprint wherever I travel, and that it might be something more helpful than just footsteps that I leave behind.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” - Samuel Clemens

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: I consider the work I do to be sex therapy, as I help a client improve the relationship they have with themself, so they can pursue more fulfilling relationships with others. I help clients learn to find what is uniquely beautiful about themselves and accept who they are, while taking the steps to become who they want to be. By knowing yourself you can share with others what makes you beautifully unique.

We also find that there are things we cannot change, and difficult life changes we can’t always fix. That may mean facing tough truths, and going through the process of grief. I work with clients who are neurodivergent, living with disability, or have lost their life partner, each facing their own challenges that often lack a simple solution.

These often involve managing other peoples’ perceptions and expectations, which takes patience and persistence. It can also require the practice of tolerating distress. I enjoy making space for people where they are safe to be vulnerable, to discover joy and inspiration, and to have acceptance free from judgement. I love seeing a client leave a session ready to face the world, knowing they are desirable and loved exactly for who you are.

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: I have a fortune cookie message pinned to my wall that says “you have an excellent capacity for making people feel at home.” What makes it special to me was that it was somebody who I had just met that opened up the cookie. They then handed the message to me, as if it were a phone call, saying “oh, it’s for you.” I love that I was able to make them feel so incredibly invited as a first impression, and I’ve tried to make everyone I meet feel that way.

Compassion and hospitality are where I really go all the way. I like to take some time before a session starts to give a quick tour of my place, filled with humor to break the ice. I also will have some kind of refreshments or pastry to share while having the complementary consent conversation where we make sure any boundaries, limits, or goals get discussed before we get started.

I like to always keep my place rather tidy and organized, which is a challenge for sure but helps because I’m frequently entertaining company. I have all kinds of friends and neighbors who know I’m always ready for a good time, and like to drop by and see what kind of fun is going on at my place.

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: Outside of my more professional interests, I have a passion for music, gaming, astronomy, and biology.

I sing and still play some of the instruments I’ve learned (piano, cello, trombone, harmonica). I made a few music videos during that awkward time in 2020 when we were all stuck inside without much to do. I’m happy to share them if you’re looking for a good laugh!

I play several extraterrestrial exploration and engineering video games, and occasionally stream on Twitch. I build rocket ships in Kerbal Space Program, and launch little green aliens into space. I design asteroid bases in Oxygen Not Included, and try to keep my duplicants from suffocating under a pile of sand they dug themselves into. I also find zen in building planet sized machines in Satisfactory and Factorio. Besides those I’m an avid fan of Pokemon, Pikmin, Paper Mario, and other Nintendo franchises that don’t begin with the letter P.

I like to grow plants and have a small herb garden. I also have an extremely friendly pet dog, though if there’s any concerns like allergies, I have several enthusiastic dog sitters who love any excuse to watch him.

Q: What is your specialty?

A: My clients are the kind of people who know more than one definition for the acronym “CBT”. I work with clients who’ve been through some traumatic life experiences which have made it challenging to freely explore their sexuality. I get to help them feel comfortable and protected in a safe place so they can start to unpack those difficult memories. Nobody makes it through life without getting hurt, but that doesn’t have to keep us from finding joy and satisfaction in loving one another. I get to share some of the tools I’ve learned to help you hang up those hang ups for good.

Have you found yourself feeling frustrated by getting in your own head, when you’re just trying to get some head? If you were conditioned to feel shameful about what you’re attracted to, bullied just because of who you are, or found yourself having sex when you didn’t actually want to, I can help. We navigate those difficult thoughts and feelings, and find what helps you enjoy a more satisfying love life. If find you can relate to this, know that there is a place for you to heal through play without fear of judgement. So let’s take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!


Location: Atlanta, GA
I am traveling to:
09 Jul - Jul 15 Minneapolis, MN
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