BradLoganXXX's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
Hey there, I'm a warm, passionate, sensual, masculine and friendly guy who loves making other men feel good. I find different things sexy about different men and get turned on by all different body types, ages, and ethnic backgrounds. The most important thing is the primal man-on-man energy between us. I'm a go-with-the-flow kinda guy that enjoys feeling the vibe and seeing where it leads - Since I'm fully vers, there's lots of options on the menu. I'm not into any heavy-duty fetishes (fisting, W/S etc) but otherwise whatever you feel like doing I'll probably be feeling it with you too, so let's meet up and find out!


Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: I'm empathetic by nature. My life has taken me to many different places, meeting people from all different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences that have taught me humility, compassion, and to value all the things we share together that make us human. I always look to connect with the humanity in each person I interact with. I do my best to live my life by one word: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. For myself. For others. Regardless of personal beliefs or different backgrounds. If everyone could just remember that one word in regards to how they treat themselves and others, what a world this would be.

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: Currently my main passion is making and editing videos. I love filming and sharing with others my parties and other experiences because it gives me the chance to re-live them over and over again. Frame-by-frame. And from different angles! The experience is a bit like re-living great memories through personal vacation videos, except others actually want to see and experience these videos with you! :-)

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: I've been hosting intimate group parties for gay/bi men in NYC for over a decade. I started them because I loved giving others the experience I had when I first discovered group - That feeling of freedom to do what feels natural with a group of guys from all different backgrounds. That sharing in each other's energies in a comfortable setting with no judgement or socially-imposed boundaries. I've always found it so liberating to just "let it all go" in group settings and I wanted to create a safe space where I could encourage others to experience that same sense of freedom and liberation. However when it came to finding pics and vids to promote and help communicate to others what my parties were like, I couldn't find much media out there that showed groups that were as diverse as mine typically were, so a few years ago I started making my own. I started my own indy production company-Alpha Spectrum-aimed at making adult gay content celebrating diversity. As part of the project I started filming the parties, as well as smaller gatherings and one-on-one encounters and I spend most of my free time producing, editing, and sometimes appearing in those videos.

Q: What is your specialty?

A: I really enjoy making other guys comfortable in their own skin and feeling able to freely express themselves. We've been taught and conditioned by society most of our lives to suppress our natural instincts and what we should and should not be attracted to, and I really like creating a vibe where guys can feel comfortable with just being themselves and doing what comes naturally.

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: First off, I gotta say, I've been living in Washington Heights in Northern Manhattan for over 20 years and love it so much I can't see myself ever living long-term anywhere else, so I do very much love being home. That said, I also love to travel and love to explore new places, experiences, and cultures. I'm also very much into nature, hiking, and the great outdoors, and especially fond of "clothing-optional gay camping." (I prefer tenting as opposed to cabins or RV-living for that real outdoor naked-and-roughing-it-in-nature experience.) I have a dream of one-day driving and tenting my way throughout North America checking out all of the gay campgrounds across the continent. Oh, and as a side note, did I mention how much I love the great outdoors? ;-) I have a bit of a crazy-weather-fetish. I get excited by the more dramatic and extreme sides of nature, so if there's a heavy rain or snow storm - tropical storm, hurricane, blizzard, whatevah - you just might find me outside right in the middle or it getting my grove on with some other crazy soul.

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: Generally my week is made up of three days of strength-training in the gym, two days of sprinting or jogging, and one day I do a class of "The Hot-Yoga-Previously-Known-As-Bikram" (Hot Hatha 26&2). Helps keep me young :-)

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: I very much value my freedom and ability to do whatever I want whenever I want. I feel very fortunate to be able to have that in life by being my own boss and running my own business. Even better is that my business is running a website that does something that no other site does to the extent (or as comprehensively) as mine does. So yeah, I'm kinda proud of it :-) I love the fact that I am able to work for myself and pretty much be free to make up my own schedule day-to-day while doing something unique that very few others are doing.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: I've been fortunate enough to lead a really eclectic life, which has given me eclectic tastes and personality. Born in Miami, I spent most of my childhood in Mexico (I speak fluent Spanish) as well as a few years in Southern California. My family moved to the deep south when I was 10 (boy was that a culture shock!) so I spent my teenage years in Alabama and Tennessee. Most of my 20s I worked at Walt Disney World in Orlando before moving to NYC in 1995. I've been a waiter, theater composer and performer, event/travel coordinator and executive assistant to Wall Street analysts and investment bankers, singer in an LGBTQ gospel choir, sex party host, and adult film performer, director and producer. So yeah, I've worn a lot of hats in a lot of different environments and have been blessed with a smorgasbord of differing life experiences among people of many different backgrounds and cultures. As a result, I can pretty much fit into any situation.

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: I'm known by those who know me for my authenticity, honesty, and openness in communication. I'm a "Say what you mean, mean what you say" kinda guy. I'm not one to put on airs - you'll get zero attitude from me - and you won't find me being a walking "avatar" of who I want others to think I am, or who I think others want me to be. I'm very comfortable in my own skin and with being true to myself at any given moment. Like all of us, there are different sides of me that might come out at different times depending on my mood, the environment, and the vibe going on between the person/s I'm with and myself. Sometimes I may be playful and friendly. At other times, full of primal masculine aggression and energy. Other times I may be feeling intensely passionate, or gently romantic. I allow myself to feel, experience, and share whatever it is I am feeling in the moment. One thing you can be assured off, whatever you're getting from me at any particular time is what I'm actually feeling, and you'll know it.

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: My spontaneity and sense of adventure. I love walking out the door and just seeing where my legs and the day takes me. I love discovering new things I've never noticed or known before in places I've passed by a hundred times. It's one of the great things about living in NYC, and is also one of my favorite ways to visit new places. I usually like to have a "general" idea of where I'd like to go and what I'd like to do, but very much enjoy exploring forks in the roads on the way there, or even ending up somewhere else entirely. I love discovery and also sharing in that discovery with others, showing them things or giving them experiences they've never had before. It gives me life. And for me is what life is about.

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