BIGBOYJEAN's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
My name is JEAN with a cock of 22 centimeters. I'm tall, hairy with a powerful erection, I won't let you down. I love to kiss, I am polite and respectful, a male with clear ideas, I will make you enjoy every minute. I can be very dominant, or tender and sweet, you decide, we will both get very hot. I really enjoy when I make you enjoy. I have the option to go to your hotel or to your address. But I recommend my discreet place where we will enjoy a pleasant atmosphere and we will preserve your maximum discretion. CONTACT ME THROUGH THE RENT.MEN CHAT, WHATSAPP SMS, I will reply as soon as possible. NO CALLS!
Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: ▫️Que soy de fiar, cariñoso y sensible, que no puedo ver la sangre :( también que es fácil hacerme feliz si se hace con el corazón
▫️That I am trustworthy, affectionate and sensitive, that I cannot see the blood :( also that it is easy to make me happy if it is done with the heart

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: ▫️Tratar de mejorar como persona y ampliar mi educación.
▫️try to improve as a person and expand my education.

Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: ▫️Mi primera experiencia sexual fue algo inolvidable y realmente intensa, la recordare toda la vida
▫️My first sexual experience was unforgettable and really intense, I will remember it for a lifetime

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: ▫️Sinceridad, honestidad, empatía y buen sentido del humor, también tengo un gran atributo pero creo que de ese no podemos hablar
▫️Sincerity, honesty, empathy and a good sense of humor, I also have a great attribute but I think we can't talk about that

Q: What is your specialty?

A: ▫️Los masajes, soy muy buen masajista, me encanta ver como puedo hacer que cada fibra del cuerpo que toco se estremezca y sienta de forma firme y suave a la vez mis manos, mi especialidad el masaje relajante con velas y aromaterapia, me siento muy bien cuando termino un masaje y veo la cara de estasis de mi victima. ;)
▫️The massages, I am a very good masseur, I love to see how I can make every fiber of the body that I touch shudder and feel firm and soft at the same time my hands, my specialty is relaxing massage with candles and aromatherapy, I feel very good when I finish a massage and I see the stasis face of my victim. ;)

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: ▫️Entreno 4 dias a la semana, realizo un entrenamiento mas enfocado al fitness que a la musculación, me gusta mi cuerpo y no deseo estar muy musculado pero si estar en buena forma y tonificado. me alimento de forma sana y equilibrada, los hidratos y proteínas justos que necesita mi cuerpo y mucha verdura.
▫️I train 4 days a week, I do a training more focused on fitness than on bodybuilding, I like my body and I don't want to be very muscular but I do want to be in good shape and toned. I eat in a healthy and balanced way, just the carbohydrates and proteins that my body needs and lots of vegetables.

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: ▫️Hago deporte, me alimento de forma sana y equilibrada, me gusta la fiesta pero soy moderado y sensato, me gusta aprender día a día de lo nuevo que el mundo y las personas me pueden aportar
▫️I do sports, I eat in a healthy and balanced way, I like to party but I am moderate and sensible, I like to learn every day about the new things that the world and people can bring me

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: ▫️Me gustaría que me conocieran y me hicieran esa pregunta en persona I
▫️would like you to meet me and ask me that question in person

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: ▫️Que soy feliz, que vivo la vida de forma intensa y pasionalmente, que disfruto de cada día, desde que me levanto hasta que me voy a la cama siento que todo el día ha sido increíble y trato de que el día siguiente si puedo sea mejor
▫️That I am happy, that I live life intensely and passionately, that I enjoy every day, from the moment I get up until I go to bed, I feel that the whole day has been incredible and I try to make it better the next day.

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: ▫️que son fiel, sincero, amigable, honesto, muy respetuoso.
▫️who are faithful, sincere, friendly, honest, very respectful

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: ▫️Tengo buen carácter, soy muy sensual y se como hacer que la gente se sienta a gusto y completa conmigo, me gusta de mi lo fácil que hago feliz a la gente I
▫️have a good character, I am very sensual and I know how to make people feel comfortable and complete with me, I like how easily I make people happy


Location: Madrid, Spain
I am traveling to:
15 Aug - Sep 01 Torremolinos, Spain
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