AndrewWysocki's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
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Confident, intelligent, relaxing and easy going otter whose always open to trying something new or helping others push their limits with someone. Im adaptable and enjoy most kinks and love exploring new things with others. My fetish is authenticity. All ya need for a great time is for you to be yourself. We all need connection so lets you and I have a great time exploring and getting to know someone new.
Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: I operate the diet and fitness regiment that involves me eating healthy for periods of a time and then binge eating a pack of oreos in one sitting. I'm also resting on a fast metabolism, a love of walking/hiking, and very active sex life.

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: Love music, and have a background mixing sound for concerts. I get nerdy about comic books, pop culture, comedians, teleivision, philosophy and history. Very analytical mind, so I enjoy when I get to research and learn new things.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: I have a strong intuition and am very empathic, it's easy for me to tell when others are either taking advantage of me/others or are being inauthentic. I'm a person who readily forgives others or gives them many more chances, because for me, as long as your motivations weren't malicious then I can look past it. We all need a chance at redeeming ourselves from time to time, and I'm not qualified who to judge is worthy for that. Just make sure you're being authentic.

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: My ability to switch from the life of the party mode to introvert wallflower. I can switch at a moments notice without batting an eye.

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: I have the ability to make most people feel comfortable, at ease and safe. I believe people matter more than anything else, and I don't take it lightly when someone shares with me their life. This all basically makes me a protective momma bear of a person.

Q: What is your specialty?

A: I live in the furry versatile otter niche who sincerely is most attracted to people who are authentic and vulnerable.

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: After moving to a new place recently, a friend of mine said "Do you ever actually stay home?"
I'm always on the move, and love to travel. While I can stay at home and veg out by myself easily. I'd rather be keeping busy on the go.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: I surprise people when I tell them I still engage with church. As someone who used to work with the church formally before coming out, I'm still involved in order to help advocate/be a resource for LGBT kids who are still growing up in the environment.

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: You'll have to take me to the beach to find out ;)

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: I have no fear of communicating directly and I get passionate about things easily. So if I'm getting worked up talking about something, I'm never angry or upset, just passionate and enjoy debating. Always expect me to push back or ask questions if I don't agree or understand something.

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: Physically I love my body hair, because at first it was something that I got made fun of for in High School. Now it's become one of my best qualities physically. Outside of the physical, I enjoy my character/integrity the most, it's the foundation that the rest of me is built on. I am a better person daily because of the value growing up my family put on being someone who says what they mean and means what they say.

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: Music, Wikipedia, Pancakes, Sweatpants and Diet Coke

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Location: Palm Springs, CA
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