Alejotopcolombia's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview

I am a hot and Top Latin guy alejo with a good thick and milky cock to please your fantasies ... 100% Top and hot.
I am a kind and sensual guy, perfect to be your best company. I am the perfect complement to be able to spend a day with you and being in bed make you feel the hottest desires and make you squirm with pleasure. I love exercising, traveling and getting to know the world, a lover of good gastronomy, I like to learn from many topics to be able to have a good conversation
Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: Te contaria mis metas... las razones por las que estoy donde estoy hoy en dia tanto lo bueno como lo malo... que conocieras un poco de mi escencia

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: Viajar, salir a cine y hacer planes en casa

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: Me encantan el color de mis ojos y mi pecho velludo

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: Amo viajar... el mundo es demasiado grande para estar solamente en un lugar toda la vida

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: Una vida saludable... intento hacer ejercicio diario.. comer de forma balanceada y evitar los excesos

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: Soy alguien demasiado amable y buen conversador... me encantan que los demas se sientan muy comodos con mi compañia


Location: Barcelona, Spain
I am traveling to:
11 Jul - Jul 15 Valencia, Spain
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