AJDalton's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
Fun outgoing guy next door w/ Southern charm.
Grew up in OK. Former X-Ray tech in the OK National Guard. College grad (Film).
-Top/Vers. Very high Stamina!
-Avail for fun in the bedroom, erotic massages, etc.
-Also avail for couples
-Hiv Neg / STI free. Always play Safe!
*Check out my personal website for more information about my fun sessions as well as links to my IG for more pics.*
👉🏻 https://ajdalton.mystrikingly.com/
Texts preferred for faster response.

-AJ Dalton
Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: I want to look my BEST, so that you can enjoy exploring my body. To ensure that I work out in the gym and hike weekly. Love nature and seeing the beauty that surrounds us outside( getting a workout is added bonus). I try to eat healthy...most times. Occasionally I treat myself w a pizza or burger. I try to find balance in my life when it comes to Health and Enjoyment. So Trust if you take me out for dinner/drinks I will truly enjoy that. Also I feel that enjoying each other's company over a meal really helps to intensify our connection...which leads to more passion and intensify during our sessions.

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: I would first wanna hear about your life story. Like to listen and not just talk.
That being said I am quite a talker. I love telling stories...esp if there are funny anecdotes sprinkled in there. My favorite wine is Malbec or any Dry red wine and I LOVE Shrimp! So hopefully those would be on the menu. I would tell you about good times that I've had in my travels and life in general, but I'm not afraid to share the bad times. I have a way of finding humor in almost everything, so I could tell you something awfully tragic that happened to me...and you would apologize for laughing at my story. And I'd be like No it is kinda Funny!! We would enjoy the water during the day and as the sun goes down cuddle up on our beach towel to keep each other warm and ... Cuddling till the sun sets and head back to your place...

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: I’m always smiling and having a good time. It’s easy to talk to me and I’m a great listener. I’m always upbeat and love to share that positivity with others.

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: My electronic gadgets, Hygienic items such as tooth paste, my Japanese face products like SK II, my pillows, and my Converse high tops.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: I've lived an interesting life! I was an Army brat and spent 3 years of my childhood in Germany! Then traveled around the US! So I am great at adapting to all kinds of different situations. I am very open minded. I enjoy meeting new people and exploring new situations.

Q: What is your specialty?

A: I am very passionate! Funny! High energy and Stamina. Great at making others feel special. I'm told my kissing skills are out of this world... I get alot of pleasure from seeing others happy and really enjoy what i do.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: I am a really nice guy. A little quirky and funny. Not in a forced way. I guess I just have a way of speaking that makes people laugh. I really enjoy what I do, so I count myself as very blessed.

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: I have tons of energy! I'm always upbeat and happy and love to make others laugh. I'm a people pleaser, which is kinda perfect for my line of work. I've been told my favorite cocktail is kinda weird/unique. It's Gin and Diet Cherry Coke. When I go out to the bar and ask for it I usually get a ..."you want what? ok!" LOL! I don't know that makes me unique other than being an example of me being quirky and different. And lastly my upbeat personality and how I find so much joy making others happy....

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: I try to be nice to everyone. Im not always successful. But I try. Also if I see someone in need I try to help. Like if I see a homeless person digging in the trash for cans/bottles to recycle I will reach into my car and hand them my recyclables and a bottle of water. I keep empty cans in my car in a bag for moments like that. And a large supply of water to hand out when I see someone in need. Not sure if that's going an extra mile, but I try to do what I can.

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: Movies, hiking, anything outdoors. Going to the gym. Also like making fun videos to share on this site and my social media platforms.

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: When I'm not working on this site I'm love Hiking, movies, museums, new restaurants, going out for drinks, and anything outdoors. Oh and the beach! LOVE the Beach! Also love catching shows/movies on Netflix and Hulu. Currently I'm watching Insatiable. Such an amazing show. Very Funny and Clever.

Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: Watching Les Miserables in London at the Prince Albert Theater. I grew up in Oklahoma and studied Acting, but had never been to such a Grand production!! Also exploring London, Scotland, and then Germany my sophmore year of college was so enlightening. Was my first time traveling overseas as an adult. When I was a kid I lived in Heidelberg as my Dad was stationed there. But I don't really remember any of that. So getting to experience Europe as an Adult was so breath taking and life changing.

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: My smile, blue eyes, and ability to make others laugh. Great listener. I'm easy to talk to and make an emotional connection with. Oh and I am an amazing kisser! I try to be modest, but I am ;-) . I'm also told that my energy and stamina is extremely high...

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: I was a military brat as a child, so I grew up with my passport already ready for the next adventure! I enjoy traveling and try to find time to travel at least once a month. I've traveled to London, Scotland, and Germany. I also accidentally walked into Austria once, when I was hiking in Bavaria. I got lost and some other hikers were like dude you are in Austria...go back! In the US I do a yearly road trip each September from CA to OK to visit family, but I make time to meet guys from this site on the way there and back. Most recently I stopped in Santa Fe, then Tulsa for this years road trip!
This last April I took Hawaii off my bucket list! I love exploring new places, restaurants, and meeting new people. So if you like my site and want me to visit your city please let me know. I regularly plan trips from requests like that. Or If you ever need a travel buddy I'm down! My passport is always current and ready to go!

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: Really enjoy the gym! Something I use to not say, but love how I feel and look after a good workout. I'm kinda weird in that my Favorite gym day is Leg Day!! I see a personal trainer and work out 3 to 5 days a week. I try to avoid sodium and frozen foods. Alot of people count calories, which I think is a mistake. I count sodium and how natural the food is. If it came straight from the ground or straight off the cow or chicken...it's good to eat! I love 85% Dark chocolate. Moderation of course. Oh and I'm addicted to shrimp!! I love to cook at home, but also enjoy a nice restaurant. Recently I went to Hawaii and am forever ruined! I got to taste what sushi and calamari is ACTUALLY suppose to taste like..when FRESH! Probably going to have to plan another trip to Hawaii soon just for the food....

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: I like to know what I'm going to be doing the next day...the night before, but at the same time I prefer to not "Over Plan" things. I feel we truly enjoy ourselves by living in the moment. Oh and I'm a pretty funny guy. Easy to talk to and get to know. And that I have alot of energy in and out of the Bedroom...


Location: Orange County, CA
I am traveling to:
Near travel Los Angeles, CA
Near travel Long Beach, CA
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