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About mylesformiles

Myles for miles & miles...

Portuguese & Caribbean mixed breed mutt.
Standing at 6 feet tall and around 180 (pretty lean) - looking to get much larger but still keep a ripped body.
In fact, I'm still trying to get as ripped as possible still.
Let's just say- I'm really hungry. Are you hungry for what you see? What do you hunger for? I'm sure I can cook up the perfect breakfast, lunch, dinner, or evening snack for ya, if you know what I mean.

7.5/5.5 cut gender/race/age agnostic

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mylesformiles's Interview

16Questions Answered
What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I have a lot of goals and I really want to achieve each and every one of them. It might be a pipe dream but I don't know what else is worth pursuing. In my spare time I often spend time daydreaming and brainstorming about how awesome I want my life to be before I reach the casket.

If I need to be specific - I love to read, write, and I wish I could draw but I'm going to learn. I music. I have experience with a lot of instruments but haven't had the good fortune for some time to get back into those things.

Ideally, you snatch my spare time all away.
How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?
I have no choice. I may have been 3 years old the first time Myles was told to go the extra mile. I'm always going to give it my all, man.
What do you do for fun?
I'm hardly ever bored. Life is a game, the rules are a little wonky, there's no instruction manual or walkthrough, and if you mess up big time, it's game over forever. For fun, I play the hell out of this game. It's pretty intense and I haven't figured out how to log off and take a break either.
Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.
The best is yet to come.
View my full interview »
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Location: Toronto, Ontario
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Pornstar Info

25 Y/O
6'0" - 183 cm
180 lbs - 81 kg
Body Hair:
Naturally Smooth
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Profile Visits:
Last Login:
19 Apr, 2018
Member Since:
19 Apr, 2018
Available For:
Escorting | Modeling | Erotic Massage | Bodywork | Available for videos | BF Experience | Stripping
I Am Into:
Feet | Cum | Nipples | Role Play | Tickling | Wrestling | Muscle | PNP | Rimming
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Pornstar Performer in Toronto, Ontario