AndyCP's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
Soy un chico muy amigable, amoroso, comprensivo, me gusta dedicarlo tiempo a la salud personas que conozco y me interesan soy detallista y especial, respetuoso y soy de mente abierta, amante de los animales. Soy un gran ser humano.

I am a very friendly, loving, understanding guy, I like to dedicate it time to health people I know and I am interested, I am a retailer and special, respectful and I am open-minded, lover of animals. I am a great human being.
Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: hacer ejercicio, cantar, bailar, compartir con las personas que quiero, viajar, conocer personas, ver peliculas, caminar en la naturaleza, jugar como niño... leer libros de superacion personaL.

Do exercise, sing, dance, share with people I want, travel, meet people, watch movies, walk in nature, play as a child ... Read personal improvement books.

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: siempre me planifico al futuro, siempre quiero construir un buen futuro, pienso en hacer las cosas bien, soy muy organizado en todo lo que hago y no me da miedo experimentar cosas nuevas, creo enfrentando el miedo se dan las oportunidades... siempre trato de hacer el bien para recibir el bien.

I always plan to the future, I always want to build a good future, I think about doing things right, I am very organized in everything I do and it is not afraid to experience new things, I believe faced fear are given the oportunities ... I always treat to do good to receive good.

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: montar a caballo, salir de viaje, disfrutar con mi familia y amigos, leer libros, cantar, bailar, nadar, montar en motocicleta... salir a caminar a la naturaleza para llenarme de buena energia.

riding, going on a trip, enjoying with my family and friends, reading books, singing, dancing, swimming, riding a motorcycle ... Going to walk to nature to fill me with good energy

Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: poder estudiar lo que quiero, poder luchar siempre para conseguir lo que me propongo, ayudar a mi familia, poder viajar en avion, conocer el mar, me encanta el mar...

Being able to study what I want, always fight to get what I propose, help my family, to be able to travel in plane, know the sea, I love the sea ...

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: que soy extrovertido, me gusta conocer a las personas, soy muy inteligente, analizo a las personas, siempre me preocupo por el bienestar de los demas y transmito paz, amor, tranquilidad y felicidad... soy sincero y no me gustan las mentiras.

That I am extroverted, I like to meet people, I am very intelligent, I analyze people, I always worry about the well-being of others and transmit peace, love, tranquility and happiness ... I am sincere and I do not like lies.

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: mis ojos claros, mi sonrisa, mis dientes, mi cuerpo y la buena energia y la paz que le transmito a las personas...

My clear eyes, my smile, my teeth, my body and good energy and peace that I transmit to people ...

Q: What is your specialty?

A: conocer nuevas personas, encontrar mi amor verdadero, conocer viajar y disfrutar la vida con la persona que la vida me envie... recibir y transmitir amor y felicidad...

meet new people, find my true love, to know travel and enjoy life with the person that life sent me ... to receive and transmit love and happiness ..

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: viajo cuando tengo oportunidad de hacerlo, me encanta viajar, conocer lugares nuevos, culturas nuevas, me gusta mucho viajar uno de mis sueños es conocer el mundo... tambien el hogar lo disfruto, creo que hay momentos para todo... pero amo viajar hahah

I travel when I have an opportunity to do it, I love to travel, know new places, new cultures, I really like to travel one of my dreams is to know the world ... also the home I enjoy it, I think there are moments for everything ... but I love to travel

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: me gusta comer todo tipo de comida haha... me gusta comer mucho frutas, vegetales, pastas, comida de mar, me gusta y me ayuda con mi dieta y ejercicio hago ejercicio 5 veces por semana 2 horas diarias, mi cuerpo es tonificado y quiero aumentar un poco de masa muscular

I like to eat all kinds of food haha ​​... I like to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, pasta, sea food, I like it and it helps me with my diet and exercise I exercise 5 times a week 2 hours a day, my body is toned and I want to increase a little muscle mass

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: mi estilo de vida es estudiar, trabajar, preocuparme por mi familia, tratar de darles todo lo que se merecen, hacer ejercicio estar saludable, brindarle mi apoyo a las personas que me necesitan, amar cada cosa que hago y disfrutar al maximo... ser real y sincero.

My lifestyle is to study, work, worry about my family, try to give them everything they deserve, exercise to be healthy, give you my support to the people who need me, love every thing I do and enjoy the maximum ... Be real and sincere.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: soy una persona muy amoroso, alegre, me gusta compartir con las personas y conocer lugares nuevos, soy de mente abierta y busco un verdadero amor, quiero encontrar una persona que me ame y me entienda y me apoye para yo hacer lo mismo.

I am a very loving, cheerful person, I like to share with people and get to know new places, I am open-minded and I am looking for a true love, I want to find a person who loves me and understands me and lean me for me do the same.

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: te contaria sobre mi vida, lo que me gusta hacer, lo que mas disfruto, abrir mis sentimientos con confianza para contarte todo lo que eh vivido y lo fuerte que me a convertido la vida...

I will tell you about my life, what I like to do, what I enjoy most, open my feelings with confidence to tell you everything I lived and how strong I have become life ...

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: mi compañia, mi felicidad, mi amor, mi energia positiva, meditar, ayudar a las demas personas, dejar una marca positiva en las personas... que soy de mente abierta.

my company, my happiness, my love, my positive energy, meditate, help other people, leave a positive brand in people ... I'm open-minded

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: 1 sin un amigo verdadero
2 sin expresar mis sentimientos
3 sin hacer ejercicio
4 sin amor
5 sin naturaleza

1 without a true friend
2 without expressing my feelings
3 without exercising
4 without love
5 without nature

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: me enamoro facilmente, soy muy social, quiero encontrar una persona que me entienda y me apoye y yo hacer lo mismo, me gustaria tener una relacion estable, soy sincero, amoroso y comprensivo, no me gustan las mentiras... soy de mente abierta...

I fall in love easily, I am very social, I want to find a person who understands me and leans and I do the same, I would like to have a stable relationship, I am sincere, loving and understanding, I do not like lies ... I am open mind ...

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: no me gustan las mentiras, siempre hablo con la verdad y me muestro como soy, soy una persona real y transparente que abra sus sentimientos facilmente a las personas que se saben ganar mi confianza.

I do not like lies, I always talk to the truth and I show myself as I am, I am a real and transparent person who opens his feelings easily to people who know how to win my trust.


Location: Essen, Germany
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