Quarterback_XL's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
Hey Boys,

looking for a tall, masculine and strong guy? Look no further! You've found your man! I'm also a big fan of shy boys, so if that's you, don't be afraid to reach out! Daddy gonna take care of you.

I am a romantic and protective guy interested in various kinks and fetishes but always happy to go vanilla. Cuddling after a tough session is the ultimate comfort! 😍

I am also a skilled erotic masseur ❤️

⚠️ If WhatsApp can't find my number, save it and it should find it shortly after!
Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: The best experience I have had in life is when I knew that my life was complete. Sounds weird, I know, but you're not meant to understand everything you're exposed to in life. You can only understand what you allow yourself to. When I realized what was happening in my life and how drastically it was changing, it was literally the most emotionally humbling experience of my life. Moresoever than anything else I had been to previously. It is like all the struggles, pain, misfortune, happiness, satisfaction, and accomplishments that I had made/experienced were all predestined to lead me here, to the person I am now. It is something that even I am at a loss of words for, but it's also something that I could talk forever about.. if that makes sense.

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: Travel, gym, play sports. dinners, spending time with friends and family

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: Adventure - I'm always ready! You want adventure? Lets plan a trip. I will show you a side of excitement that you never thought possible.. Lets Go

Coffee - but aside from waking up wondering what the hell happened last night, the smell of coffee will always get me going.

Locking Eyes - When I talk about connection, this is one of the most intense. Locking eyes with someone while you or they are dominating the other, and you see the vulnerability in their eyes is something that I will always need in an intimate relationship.

Nature - Growing up in the country. It leaves a lasting impression. Still today, I find myself slipping away into nature to meditate, run barefoot, or just explore. the greatest feeling to be centered with nature.

Sex - Being real is acknowledging things you must have. This display of desire is as old as man, but still so new and great to each new lover. Yes, everyone is different, for me its the inside and out vulnerability. --> Best part: the emotional connection, the sparks, the electricity, the fire that activates every stimulus in your body that send you into absolute euphoria!

Q: What is your specialty?

A: Specialty. There are so many ways to digest that word and what it means. I would say that above all my specialty is, like I said earlier, the ability to connect with someone on a deeper level than most, and if I was to add to that it would be that ability to sense when someone is troubled and needs a form of positive influence in their life to help them get through whatever may be troubling them.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: No matter what I’ve been through, or suffered through, I wouldn’t change a single element, scene, or chapter of my life. Our pasts and our struggles are what create the version of us that currently sits reading this very sentence, and those who are proud of that version of themselves, choose to embrace the circumstances which lead them to fruition, the good and the bad.

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: Take life easy, enjoy every day at fullest, forgive and have great sex :)

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: Well... I know that this is a platform for people to log on, meet up, and get off. However, sometimes it doesn't have to be that direct. Sometimes making that deeper connection with someone is just as satisfying if not more rewarding than just going through the motions... I know we all have needs, wants, and desires, but not all of them revolve around sexual intimacy. There is more out there than that.

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: The ability to connect with people on a much deeper level than most others even attempt to try to do.


Location: Barcelona, Spain
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