BradAllan's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
** NOW in TORONTO **
ask me to visit your city

London ** Niagara ** Ottawa


Leather * denim * gym gear * suit n' tie
** but I look best naked **

** vanilla BFE massage **
** role PLAY scenes **
** BDSM FFun RAW **
** shower douché trainin 'n play **

HOT video on my social media X

** same day inquiry **
CAll or TEXT is BEST

TRAVEL to nearby cities for
extended overnite fun
by appointment

xoxo Brad
Q: What is your specialty?

A: I'm quite adept at planning a memorable evening out and-or some carnal event fun... be it acquiring tickets for a concert, play, or an opera... organizing a nice dinner out or simply booking the local sling room, conveniently adjacent to the St. Andrew's Cross and fuck bench, perfect for a quasi public flogging or fist fuct session... I play well with other pros too!! cruelty or kindness, depending upon what is asked of me... they are opposite sides of the same coin

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: I have an active lifestyle, enjoy the gym, biking and working at my studio. When I'm in transit (and-or other forced sedentary time) I enjoy reading, writing and catching up on correspondence...

Generally, I'm laid back and easy going, but I have a low tolerance for those who try to waste my time (which is a bizarre double standard, as I occasionally waste time quite well on my own!)

It is a sphinx riddle mystery to me, why guys with no intention of meeting will compose such elaborate emails and-or text messages for my amusement I do employ use of the 'block' button

Q: What distinguishes you from all the other people you know?

A: ...sucx, fuk, phuc, suque, fvct, fisty fucx, phuquex, fuct, suk, suc, mo FUCKs and dem hot hughs und kissexoxo...

very PnP friendly but I do NOT partake of favs--no issue if you want to enjoy something during our private fun I endeavor to stay DnD free, on rare occasions one D just isn't! When that happens and we've dun any of the above recently, I'll inform you discretely to visit your doctor

Q: What would you say are your greatest attributes?

A: OMFG ...could this be the worst phrased question ever?? Oscar Wilde would craft a savvy response...

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: Although I have near zero desire to put on ladies hose and high heels, I have no judgment for those who do

Xcept for a (R) senator AKA Lady G

In a similar way (I may think it shallow and amoral) I have no opinion on hetro marriage... but I do luv a reception!!

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: My scathing sardonic world view ...and my firm right hand grip, for those occasional evenings when I don't get a better offer...

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: Sometimes, I tell lies... mayhaps about my age, dick or shoe size ...mostly because it's fun and it helps me recognize when I'm told a lie or two!!

My absolute favorite fib is when I get an email or text message from Dave, a UK engineer who needs my company for a week to ten days in Nigeria.

Unlike when I went to Morocco or Egypt on my own dime, Dave will offer me a ridiculous sum per day and all my expenses will be paid in advance.

All Dave needs from me is total discretion, 'nice massages to keep him warm at nite', and some personal banking info.

I suspect Dave tells lies too...

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: First off, we won't be... I jus hate f'in sand in my or much worse, f'in sand in your ass crack ...mayhaps poolside, or on a deck with a view of the beach

I would look deeply into your eyes and confide... 'Sometimes, when I encounter a girl in a service industry position with a name tag that reads "Chardonnay" or "Tiffany" I have an overwhelming urge to ask 'Was yer mum trying to be cute or jus cruel??' ...and if dat mum had a boy, would he be "Pinot-Greeze" or "Cartier"

Deep down, I'm very shallow, more Prosecco, mon petite chou couchon??

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: Movies, but the books are often better.

Scotty Bower, Full Service, the Secret Sex Life of the Stars (made into an OK documentary) every single Harry Potter book, of course the Quiet American (source material by Graham Greene) and perhaps one of my favourite reads, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (which became Blade Runner) or anything written by PKDick.

I also do some abstract, expressionist, graphic and popart work. Ask me about the website if interested.

Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: On foot or if I'm in a hurry, my 27 speed Marin?? I try to listen and if I seem ponderous, it's because I am thinking about what you said before I reply.

It would take a lot to shock me. The more you can tell me about your desires, fantasies, and expectations, the better able I will be to meet them.

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: I do this because I enjoy it (and happen to be very good at it) which means I won't meet with just anyone. It's about mutual respect and affinity.

Sometimes I get a 'Hey' or my least favourite 'Wassup' (which I presume is a compound word meant as a casual greeting) text and usually I'll give a curt reply to be courteous. I much prefer a text that reads: Hey Brad, this is (your name goes here) and I would like to (desired activity goes here) so are you available on (time and date, either specific or range goes here!)

So what I mean by cheap shoes, loud shirt service... Assuming we've never met and you ask me what my rate is, and then offer me half or even two thirds, we probably won't meet. If I detect an acrimonious attitude, belligerence, caustic sarcasm, or any hint of derision, we will certainly not meet. If you are fine with my rate and seem reasonable, but I feel you want something I don't want to do or we aren't a good match, I will tell you so, wish you well, and happy hunting.

Q: Tell us about the best experience you have had in life.

A: Once upon a time, I took a horseback ride to the pyramids at Giza. WOW is understatement. A few years later, I climbed the second peak at Machu Pichu in Peru. To die for view ...and one night in New York, I was sitting so close to the stage, the hem of Harvey's dress brushed against my face during an awesome performance of Hairspray, but I'd like to think I have not had the best experience of my life yet.

I'm grateful my companion didn't want to see 'the Little Shop of Horrors' which was my first choice.

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: Oatmeal, toast and fruit salad most mornings, I prefer to have a bigger brunch than dinner, but lately I've been grazing (four or five smaller meals throughout the day) ..and always post workout protein shake with egg whites, goat cheese and fresh fruit or chocolate dosed coffee..

I try to hit the gym (using more free weights than machines) five or six days a week ..with everything quasi closed over 20-21, I invested in a mini home gym to keep up my routine.. and cuz LA Fitness gets so pissed when you pump iron whilst nekid!!

In summer I like to do 'cardio binge days' often a bike ride from Niagara Falls to TO or the equivalent of an eight to ten hour ride ..and sex-cardio, of course..

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: Fun stuff, obviously

(my favorite 'brevity is the soul of wit' response which I poached from another pro online here!)

Work should be fun or what's the point? I love to bike long distances. I'm an opera and classical music junkie, but the most fun I had was at the first Park Theater performance in Vegas to see The Pretenders opening for Stevie Nicks!! Cher was OK, but Dionne Warwick put on a much better show at Cleopatra's Barge in 2019.

I wanted to slap that Millennial at the ticket counter 'Dionne who?'

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: Every chance I get (under normal circumstances!) I'm partial to local cities accessible by train ...or twist my arm and I'll get on a flight to Mexico...

I'd like to book a sleeper car and we could fuck our way over the four or five nites from Toronto to Vancouver!!

As much as TO is home, I'm just as happy anywhere there is fine food, a decent gym, and daily room service with no questions asked all-you-can-eat extra towels...

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: Chocolate... the Gym... air and-or rail travel, a good connection... at least five more options ...and more chocolate!!

Did you know, you can add chocolate to your coffee??


Location: Toronto, Ontario
I am traveling to:
Near travel London, Ontario
06 Jul - Jul 12 Ottawa, Ontario
01 Aug - Aug 03 Montreal, Quebec
Contact Me