StripperMar's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
Hi, guys!

Fairly quiet, mild-mannered southern young man here. Just the right combination of jocky boy-next-door and nerdy introvert. In the years of experience I have, very little has changed in terms of what I ask or how I approach matters.
Honest, direct, and a great communicator, I am here to make sure everyone has a good time. Quiet night in? Going out to dinner? No sweat. Hit me up with questions. I am an open book.

Advance contact for booking with me is encouraged as my days do fill up pretty quickly. Just reaching out to me and getting on my radar can sometimes make a huge difference. I'm always just a message or a text away, and I do my best to respond promptly.
Pensacola is now home. But not always home when PCOLA listed.

VAX: COVID, Monkeypox, Meningitis, on PreP.

I look forward to speaking with you soon!

(Upcoming travel cities not yet listed.
Reach out to me. ☺)
Q: How do you go the 'Extra Mile' in your life?

A: I literally put in a ton of miles traveling to see folks. LOL :) In 2024, I'm hoping to travel a bit less in an effort to spend more time at home and be kinder to my body. But I will still travel alot, and I'll try to keep my "farther out" upcoming travel cities listed here to give everyone a head's up.

May: Murfreesboro, Nashville, Jackson, Little Rock, OKC, Memphis
June hopefuls: Montgomery, Huntsville, Ft Lauderdale, Tampa, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Augusta, Charlotte, Raleigh, Richmond, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Harrisburg, Albany, Norfolk, Houston, New Orleans, Mobile
July hopefuls: June leftovers, Dallas, St Louis, Atlanta, Des Moines, Iowa City, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Milwaukee?, Indy, Louisville, Cincy, Huntsville, Nashville

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: Think of me like an onion... :)
Although I'm fairly common, I have an extremely unique flavor and can be utilized to fit into a limitless number of dishes and concoctions from cultures around the globe in a variety of different ways. You just have to know how to approach me and handle me. And I come with a variety of health benefits as a bonus! LOL
As you move deeper and deeper into an onion toward its center, no matter how many different layers you uncover, I'm still always consistently "me." You simply increase my concentration the deeper you go.
And don't turn your back on me for too long....I may surprise you and start growing unexpectedly in the pantry. ;)

Q: What are your lifestyle specifics that makes who you are?

A: I never sit still. I am always on the go.
Some people when making small talk will ask me what tv shows I’m currently following, and honestly all I can do is giggle. It’s rare I sit in one place long enough to watch a movie, much less a couple episodes of a tv show.
It’s a bit of a psychological hang up I have—a concern about wasting time. Don’t get me wrong, I can procrastinate with the best of ‘em. But when setting up my to-do list for a day or a week, I ALWAYS get a bit too ambitious with my hopes. And as a result, I do stretch myself a bit thin. Sometimes I surprise myself and get it all done, but oftentimes, I leave a couple things on the table for another day.

So when texting me or emailing me, please don’t think I’m ignoring you if I don’t respond. :) Odds are high that I’m just elsewhere doing 6 1/2 other things at the moment.

I need to do a better job of being a lazy slug. Lol. I think my body would appreciate it!

Q: What do you do for fun?

A: 1) Work in my aquariums. They constantly need attention, and they’re never where I want them to be in terms of maintenance. I love them because no matter how many times I look at my tanks, every time I see something different.

2) Yardwork. (Obviously during the warmer months) Everything I do in my yard is for the birds and the bees....literally. :) My hummingbirds and my butterflies are my babies during the Summer and Fall. Every plant I put in the ground in my yard is aiming to attract them. The rest of the year it’s for the goldfinches, vireos, cardinals, and bluebirds. And the occasional chickadee.

3) Tennis. When I can spare the time, I always sneak away to tennis courts. Although my lower body doesn’t appreciate the beating, tennis is probably the single greatest cardio workout I’ve ever had in my life (besides swimming). And it gives me an excuse to be outside when the weather is nice.

4) Go south. Whether it’s the Florida panhandle or Key West, sometimes I like simply getting away to break up the day-to-day GOGOGO mentality. When I escape to one of these places, I can hide the tablet and phone from myself, and truly disengage and recharge.

Q: What would you like your readers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?

A: I hate cameras!

I'm likely one of the least vain people you'll ever meet. I'm actually my own harshest critic by a large LARGE margin. While most of my friends are lighting up social media daily on snapchat and facebook with an endless pool of selfies, I'm that weird one always responding with text. I take terrible selfies, and no, it's not just a lack of practice. Oftentimes I'll send someone a selfie (IF I send one, I usually fight against it), and then when I show up 30 minutes later, they marvel at how I look like a completely different person.

So don't be offended if I politely duck or decline endless requests for more pics. I'm rather guarded with my terrible selfies. :)

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: When I was younger I feel I used to be quite volatile emotionally.
Now, I feel I'm a lot more even keel and in better command of my perspective on life.

There are many things in this world you cannot control--but you can control how you respond to them.

I try very hard to stay positive and not get overwhelmed by everything going on in the world around me, I try to be a stabilizing force for those who are a regular part of my life and have me in their lives, and I try to lift up those around me rather than holding them back or dragging them down.

I'm consistent, if nothing else. Why not be the good kind of consistent? :)
If you can't see the silver lining, try looking from a different angle. Anything is possible.

Q: What is your specialty?

A: I'm very much the jocky, nerdy boy next door.

I'm the young guy running around your neighborhood shirtless every day--the same running route, at pretty much the same time every day. I love that beaten path, and I use it for everything it's worth.
I'm the guy cutting his grass every week--not just because the HOA is annoying, but because he also takes pride in his property looking nice.
I'm the guy who always smiles and waves to neighbors--it is cordial and polite.
I'm the guy you see getting home from the tennis courts still dripping sweat with legs caked in clay from the tennis match he just finished. I hobble inside--dying for that shower!
I'm also the guy you might accidentally catch a peek of darting around on his back porch naked--moving plants from sun to shade, reading a book, or maybe getting into a little mischief as a thunderstorm rolls in.

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: 1) Water: Whether it's a cold glass of water keeping me hydrated and cooling me off, or a hot shower in the Winter warming me up and relaxing me after a run...I can't imagine my life without water. My aquariums require it, my plants love it, and during the Summer, I am frequently complaining about needing more of it to fall from the sky. :)

2) Sleep: I greatly value my sleep. LOL Don't try me. :)

3) Sunlight: It's amazing how just an hour in the sun can greatly improve my mood during the shortest days of the year. As a true southerner, I appreciate how everyone needs their time in the sun.

4) Sweet Tea: I told you, I'm a Southerner! :) The closer to hummingbird nectar, the better!

5) Time: Always in shortage, it seems. I can always use more patience and more time. Never forget; the least costly, yet most valuable, gift you can ever give to anyone, even in its smallest modicum. ;)

Q: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A: Let's see...
Most of all, during the warmer months of the year, I enjoy being outdoors. Colder times, I prefer being inside.

I am a tennis player and have been since high school. So during the non-Winter you typically see me sneaking off to the courts for a quick hit or a league match as often as possible.
I am an aquarium enthusiast. When at home I'm frequently elbow deep in one of my nine aquariums.
I'm an amateur botanist of sorts as well. Major recreational landscaper. No one knows how I envision my yard, so I'm the only one who can do it. When I'm out on the road I'm frequently mulling over what yard projects I have to tackle when I finally get back. ;)

I run, I read, I video game. I also bake a lot during the holidays.
See? Crazy jocky nerdy gay guy. LOL!

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: I travel a good bit more than I would sometimes like to. LOL
I'm actually more of a homebody than a traveler, but that doesn't keep me from spending many hours in my car! :)
Although I do sometimes experience cabin fever in the colder months, I find myself more frequently burned out on travel.
I have no issues being gone 3, 4, or sometimes even 5 days on end, but after that I need a day or two at home with my aquariums, my yard, and MY BED! :)


Location: Pensacola, FL
I am traveling to:
19 May - May 20 Huntsville, AL
20 May - May 21 Nashville, TN
21 May - May 22 Little Rock, AR
22 May - May 24 Oklahoma City, OK
29 May - May 30 Jackson, MS
30 May - May 31 Memphis, TN
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